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Unleash The PrincessPlays: 552   ( 1.29 MB )    

Games Tags: path push princess puzzle
Flash Media
Pre Games: Xmas ShoppingNext Games: Snow Queen

Unleash The Princess Description:

This is a true story of a famous Persian kingdom. The prince of Arabas is in love with the princess of Nephron. He comes to Nephron an allied kingdom. The nobel king of nephron allows their marriage but this does not go well with the kings brother who wants his son to marry the princess and take over the kingdom. He conspires against the king and kills him. He then locks up the prince of Arabas and the the princess. The prince has to find a way to reach the princess and unlock her. But before that he has to unlock a series of chambers.

Unleash The Princess Instructions:

The prince has to find a way to reach the princess and unlock her. But before that he has to unlock a series of chambers.

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